Aspire Performance Training - Micro credentials
Conflict Management
Course Overview
Conflict is an inevitable part of life, and it's no different in the workplace. As a leader, it's crucial to understand the causes and effects of conflict and how to manage and lead difficult situations. This course is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a more effective conflict manager and leader.
The course starts with an in-depth exploration of the causes and effects of conflict. You'll learn about the various factors that contribute to conflict and how to recognize the warning signs of escalating conflicts. Through case studies and practical exercises, you'll learn how to analyze the underlying causes of conflict, and develop strategies to prevent conflicts before they arise.
Next, the course will delve into conflict management styles. You'll learn about the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model and the various conflict handling modes. You'll explore how to use different conflict styles to balance assertiveness and cooperativeness and influence favorable outcomes. You'll also learn about avoiding conflict and the consequences of poor conflict management. Through practical exercises and the use of a workbook, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your own conflict management style and develop new skills for effective conflict management.
As a leader, it's essential to be able to resolve conflicts between others. In this course, you'll discover your role as a leader in resolving conflicts, and learn how to mediate conflicts using TIPS (Technique for Intentional Problem Solving). Through case studies and practical exercises, you'll develop skills in conflict resolution, negotiation, and communication.
Finally, the course will focus on encouraging positive conflict. You'll learn about the benefits of positive conflict and how to use a collaborative style to sponsor positive conflict for healthy growth. You'll explore the use of WIN/WIN negotiations and how to apply them to conflict styles. Through practical exercises and the use of a workbook, you'll develop skills for encouraging positive conflict in your workplace and building a culture of open feedback.
In conclusion, this course is an essential tool for any leader looking to become more effective in managing conflicts and leading their team towards success. By understanding the causes and effects of conflict, balancing assertiveness and cooperativeness, and developing skills for resolving unhelpful conflict and encouraging positive conflict, you'll become a more confident and effective leader. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your conflict management skills and become a better leader.
1Examine the difference between positive and negative conflict.
2Discuss the impact of neglecting to manage negative conflict on performance and relationships.
3Use the TIPS model to manage negative conflict.
4Consider strategies for encouraging positive conflict to develop strong relationships and promote innovation.
Course Outcomes
This course will equip you with the ability to understand conflict styles and how to use them to adapt your style depending on the other people involved and lead the resolution.
Identify and avoid conflict that serves no purpose or may place you in harms way.
Shape your culture through building skills to quickly resolve conflict, encourage positive discourse, and better balance manager, employee relationships. Leaders who lack conflict management skills and avoid conflict often end up being less effective at achieving their defined business objectives, have more trouble managing people and being fulfilled by their job.
In your leadership role, you may need to help team members to resolve issues of conflict to ensure that it doesn’t escalate and become destructive. Using proven methods to do this will provide favourable results over ignoring, or otherwise minimising the problem.
Positive conflict has its benefits in the workplace, with specific steps you can take to build up a culture of honest and open feedback.
By applying trusted methods to your conflict management style you will be able to better lead and manage your teams.
The Conflict Management Micro-Credential course at Aspire Performance Training covers a comprehensive curriculum designed to help you develop your leadership skills. The course includes the following modules:
Core Units
Conflict Management
1.0 Causes of Conflict: Explore the causes and effects of conflicts using the workbook "Causes of Conflict".
Conflict Management Styles
2.0 Conflict Management Styles: Learn about the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model and handling modes, using conflict styles, avoiding conflict, and the consequences of poor conflict management. Work through the workbook "Conflict Management Styles".
Resolving Conflict Between Others
3.0 Resolving Conflict Between Others: Discover your role as a leader in resolving conflicts, and learn how to mediate conflicts using TIPS.
Encouraging Positive Conflict
4.0 Encouraging Positive Conflict: Understand the benefits of positive conflict, learn about WIN/WIN negotiations and apply them to conflict styles, and use the collaborative style to sponsor positive conflict. Use the workbook "Encouraging Positive Conflict".
To find out more please contact our Leederville office on
(08) 6460 0965
Online Delivery Options
At Aspire Performance Training, we believe in a modern and flexible approach to online course delivery. Our courses are designed to accommodate busy schedules and allow you to complete all assessments in your own time, submitting them online. Your allocated trainer will provide marking feedback and can be reached for further discussion through phone calls or Zoom meetings.
Our course assessments involve researching, reading, and analyzing information on your computer, with the full support of your personal trainer. Our assessments are designed to be easily followable, with clear instructions and benchmarks to guide you through the process.
With our comprehensive online learning resources and support, you can feel confident in your ability to succeed in your chosen field.
Course Details
At your own pace
Online and in your workplace where possible.
Any questions? Please call us on (08) 6460 0965
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