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At Aspire Performance Training, we are dedicated to fostering the professional growth of Aboriginal youth through the Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program, run in collaboration with the Western Australian Government Public Sector Commission. This initiative offers formal training, paid employment, and support to complete a nationally recognised Certificate III in Government.

Facilitated over the past 12 to 18 months, we are excited to congratulate the 21 newest graduates from the Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program!

Showcasing hard work, determination and a knack for multitasking, these trainees have successfully completed the nationally recognised Certificate III in Government, and with their newly acquired qualifications, these fresh alumni are now ready to take the next steps in their careers.


Celebrating Graduation Achievements

Congratulations to the 21 new graduates of the Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program! After 12 to 18 months of dedication and multitasking, these trainees have successfully completed the nationally recognised Certificate III in Government. Their hard work and perseverance have paid off, marking a significant milestone in their professional journeys.

The graduation ceremony, held in June 2024, was a memorable event. Aspire Performance Training Director, Jane Mahon and Public Sector Commission Executive Director Lindsay Warner presented the trainees with their well-deserved certificates. Whadjuk traditional owner Matthew McGuire’s heartfelt Welcome to Country reminded the graduates to embrace their connection to the land and their cultural heritage.

Tracey Ninyette, Executive Director of Aboriginal Engagement at the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, encouraged the graduates to be courageous and reminded them of the valuable contributions they can make to the public sector. Lindsay Warner expressed gratitude for the cultural knowledge and diverse perspectives the trainees bring, noting that the program has been a two-way learning experience.

Many of the participants have been offered ongoing employment at their respective agencies, highlighting the positive impact of the Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program.


The Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program

The Solid Futures Aboriginal traineeship program is a comprehensive initiative that offers Aboriginal individuals the opportunity to gain formal training, paid employment, and support to complete a Certificate III in Government. The program operates in both metropolitan and regional areas, matching trainees with agencies and providing ongoing support throughout the traineeship.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Aboriginal Australian and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  • Aged 16 and older
  • Minimum of Year 10 schooling or equivalent
  • Ability to obtain a satisfactory National Police Clearance
  • Commitment to working in an office environment

Trainees employed by the Public Sector Commission receive a trainee salary and are placed with an agency to develop their public administration skills. They are supported and mentored throughout their traineeship, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.


Aspire's Role in the Solid Futures Program

By empowering Aboriginal graduates, Aspire Performance Training helps not only transform the lives of individuals but also contributes to the development of a diverse and talented workforce within the public sector.

Facilitated over 12 to 18 months, the program includes:

  • Agency-Specific Induction: Providing thorough onboarding to familiarise trainees with our agency’s operations.
  • A Dedicated Supervisor: Assigning a supervisor to attend training, and manage, and support trainees throughout their journey.
  • Employment Opportunities: Identifying potential job opportunities within the agency for trainees upon program completion.

Benefits of the Certificate III in Government

The Certificate III in Government qualification opens doors to entry-level roles in the public sector. It equips graduates with essential skills such as effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and a thorough understanding of ethical practices. This qualification not only enhances employability but also offers potential for career advancement within the public sector, serving as a stepping stone for further education and professional development.

Future Development and Impact

As we celebrate the successful completion of this program, we extend our best wishes to all participants on their ongoing leadership journeys. The skills and insights gained through the Solid Futures program are expected to have a lasting impact, both professionally and personally.

Aspire Performance Training remains committed to developing capable leaders across various industries, ensuring a diverse and talented workforce within the public sector.

For more information on how Aspire Performance Training can support your professional development, visit our website or contact us today. Let’s shape the future together!

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